Source code for barril.units._array

from typing import Any
from typing import Generic
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union
from typing import cast
from typing import overload

from oop_ext.interface import ImplementsInterface

from barril._util.types_ import IsNumber
from barril.basic.format_float import FormatFloat
from barril.units.unit_database import CategoryInfo
from barril.units.unit_database import UnitDatabase

from ._abstractvaluewithquantity import AbstractValueWithQuantityObject
from ._abstractvaluewithquantity import T
from ._quantity import Quantity
from ._scalar import Scalar
from .interfaces import IArray
from .interfaces import ValuesType

__all__ = ["Array"]

SelfT = TypeVar("SelfT", bound="Array")

[docs] @ImplementsInterface(IArray) class Array(AbstractValueWithQuantityObject, Generic[ValuesType]): """ Array represents a sequence of values that also have an unit associated. Some ways to construct it (note that usually numpy arrays should be used). .. code-block:: python Array(numpy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], numpy.float64), "m") Array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], "m") Array("length", [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], "m") Array(ObtainQuantity("m", "length"), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) Arrays are a ``Generic`` subclass, parametrized by their container type: .. code-block:: python a = Array([1, 2, 3], "m") reveal_type(a) .. code-block:: note: Revealed type is "barril.units._array.Array[builtins.list*[*]]" Functions/methods which receive arrays can be declared with more specific types: .. code-block:: python def compute(inputs: Array[np.ndarray]) -> Array[np.ndarray]: ... def compute(inputs: Array[np.ndarray[np.float64]]) -> Array[np.ndarray[np.float64]]: ... """ @overload def __init__(self, category: Union[str, Quantity]): ... @overload def __init__(self, values: ValuesType, unit: str, category: Optional[str] = None): ... @overload def __init__(self, category: str, values: ValuesType, unit: str): ... @overload def __init__(self, category: Quantity, values: ValuesType): ... def __init__( # type:ignore[misc] self, category: str, values: Any = None, unit: Any = None ) -> None: super().__init__(category, value=values, unit=unit) def _InternalCreateWithQuantity( # type:ignore[override] self, quantity: Quantity, values: Optional[ValuesType] = None, unit_database: Optional[UnitDatabase] = None, value: Optional[ValuesType] = None, ) -> None: if value is not None: if values is not None: raise ValueError("Duplicated values parameter given") values = value assert values is not None self._value = values self._unit_database = unit_database or UnitDatabase.GetSingleton() self._quantity = quantity self._is_valid: Optional[bool] = None self._validity_exception: Optional[Exception] = None
[docs] def CheckValidity(self) -> None: """ :raises ValueError: when current value is wrong somehow (out of limits, for example). """ self.ValidateValues(self._value, self._quantity)
def CreateCopy( # type:ignore[override] self: SelfT, values: Optional[ValuesType] = None, unit: Optional[str] = None, category: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: object ) -> SelfT: return AbstractValueWithQuantityObject.CreateCopy( self, value=values, unit=unit, category=category, **kwargs ) # Values ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def GetAbstractValue(self, unit: Optional[str] = None) -> ValuesType: """ :param unit: this is the unit in which we want the values :returns: the values stored. May be an a list of int, float, etc. """ values = self._value if unit is None or unit == self._quantity.unit: return values def IsListOfTuples(v: Any) -> bool: try: return len(v) > 0 and isinstance(v[0], tuple) except TypeError: return False # numpy raises a TypeError if it's a 0D array, so ignores it if IsListOfTuples(values): result = [] Convert = self._quantity.Convert for elem in values: result.append(tuple(Convert(v, unit) for v in elem)) return type(values)(result) # type:ignore[call-arg, arg-type] else: return self._quantity.Convert(values, unit)
GetValues = GetAbstractValue values = property(GetAbstractValue) def _GetDefaultValue( self, category_info: CategoryInfo, unit: Optional[str] = None ) -> ValuesType: return cast(ValuesType, [])
[docs] def ValidateValues(self, values: ValuesType, quantity: Quantity) -> None: """Set the value to store in this values_quantity. May be an int, float, numarray, list of floats, etc. :param values: The values to be set. :param quantity: The quantity of the values being passed (note that GetUnit will still return the previous unit set -- this unit is only to indicate the internal value). """ if self._is_valid is True: return if self._validity_exception is not None: raise self._validity_exception try: self._DoValidateValues(values, quantity) except Exception as e: self._validity_exception = e self._is_valid = False raise else: self._is_valid = True
def _DoValidateValues(self, values: ValuesType, quantity: Quantity) -> None: """ .. seealso:: :meth:`.ValidateValues` """ is_derived = quantity.IsDerived() if not is_derived: # only check min, max if we have only 1 category (otherwise, we won't have a valid assumption # about the actual values) category_info = quantity.GetCategoryInfo() if category_info.min_value is not None or category_info.max_value is not None: # verify if values are in the given limits (if needed) CheckValue = quantity.CheckValue if len(values) > 0: if isinstance(values[0], tuple): for value in values: if isinstance(value, tuple): for v in value: CheckValue(v) else: import numpy isnam = numpy.isnan # Search for the first non-NaN value to initialize MIN/MAX. is_numpy = isinstance(values, numpy.ndarray) iterator: Iterator[Any] = iter(values) for value in iterator: if isnam(value): continue # Iterate until we get a non-nan number min_value = max_value = value # Keep on the iteration now that we can already make the check. for value in iterator: if isnam(value): # NaNs would fail the min_value validation below. continue if value < min_value: min_value = value elif value > max_value: max_value = value if is_numpy: min_value = float(min_value) max_value = float(max_value) CheckValue(min_value) CheckValue(max_value) # Break the outer 'for' used just to get the min/max break
[docs] @classmethod def FromScalars( cls, scalars: Iterable[Scalar], *, unit: Optional[str] = None, category: Optional[str] = None ) -> "Array": """ Create an Array from a sequence of Scalars. When not defined, the unit and category assumed will be from the first Scalar on the sequence. :param values: A sequence of Scalars. When the values parameter is an empty sequence and the unit is not provided an Array with an empty quantity will be returned. :param unit: A string representing the unit, if not defined the unit from the first Scalar on the sequence will be used. :param category: A string representing the category, if not defined the category from the first Scalar on the sequence will be used. """ scalars = iter(scalars) try: first_scalar = next(scalars) except StopIteration: if unit is None and category is None: return cls.CreateEmptyArray() elif category is None: category = UnitDatabase.GetSingleton().GetDefaultCategory(unit) return cls(values=[], unit=unit, category=category) # type:ignore[arg-type] else: assert unit is None return cls( # type:ignore[call-overload] values=[], unit=unit, category=category ) # This actually will raise an exception unit = unit or first_scalar.unit category = category or first_scalar.category values = [first_scalar.GetValue(unit)] + [scalar.GetValue(unit) for scalar in scalars] return cls(values=values, unit=unit, category=category)
[docs] @classmethod def CreateEmptyArray(cls, values: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None) -> "Array": """ Allows the creation of a array that does not have any associated category nor unit. :rtype: Array """ if values is None: values = [] quantity = Quantity.CreateEmpty() return cls.CreateWithQuantity(quantity, values=values)
# Equality ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Array): return False return ( tuple(self.values) == tuple(other.values) and self._quantity == other._quantity and self.unit == other.unit ) def __repr__(self) -> str: values_str = "[%s]" % ", ".join(str(v) for v in self.values) return "{}({}, {}, {})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.GetQuantityType(), values_str, self.GetUnit() ) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Should return a user-friendly representation of this object. :rtype: str :returns: The formatted string """ if len(self.values) > 0 and isinstance(self.values[0], tuple): values_str = " ".join(str(v) for v in self.values) else: values_str = " ".join((FormatFloat("%g", v)) for v in self.values) return values_str + self.GetFormattedSuffix() # Basic operators ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.values) @overload def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Any: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> ValuesType: ... def __getitem__(self, index: Any) -> Any: return self.values[index] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]: return iter(self.values) def __truediv__(self: SelfT, other: Any) -> SelfT: return self._DoOperation(self, other, "Divide") def __floordiv__(self: SelfT, other: Any) -> SelfT: return self._DoOperation(self, other, "FloorDivide") def __mul__(self: SelfT, other: Any) -> SelfT: return self._DoOperation(self, other, "Multiply") def __add__(self: SelfT, other: Any) -> SelfT: return self._DoOperation(self, other, "Sum") def __sub__(self: SelfT, other: Any) -> SelfT: return self._DoOperation(self, other, "Subtract") # Right-Basic operators ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __rtruediv__(self: SelfT, other: Any) -> SelfT: return self._DoOperation(other, self, "Divide") def __rfloordiv__(self: SelfT, other: Any) -> SelfT: return self._DoOperation(other, self, "FloorDivide") def __rdiv__(self: SelfT, other: Any) -> SelfT: return self._DoOperation(other, self, "Divide") def __rmul__(self: SelfT, other: Any) -> SelfT: return self._DoOperation(other, self, "Multiply") def __radd__(self: SelfT, other: Any) -> SelfT: return self._DoOperation(other, self, "Sum") def __rsub__(self: SelfT, other: Any) -> SelfT: return self._DoOperation(other, self, "Subtract") def _DoOperation(self, p1: SelfT, p2: SelfT, operation: str) -> SelfT: """ Actually go on and do an operation considering the data we have to transform considering any combination of: number, list and numpy """ import numpy from ._value_generator import _ValueGenerator # get the quantities and setup the value generator properly if IsNumber(p1) or isinstance(p1, numpy.ndarray): values_iteration = _ValueGenerator(p1, p2.values) q2 = p2.GetQuantity() q1 = Quantity.CreateEmpty() elif IsNumber(p2) or isinstance(p2, numpy.ndarray): values_iteration = _ValueGenerator(p1.values, p2) q1 = p1.GetQuantity() q2 = Quantity.CreateEmpty() else: values_iteration = _ValueGenerator(p1.values, p2.values) q1 = p1.GetQuantity() q2 = p2.GetQuantity() unit_database = self.GetUnitDatabase() operation_func = getattr(unit_database, operation) # if handling numpy, just call it all at once! if values_iteration.IsNumpy(): v0, v1 = next(iter(values_iteration)) q, v = operation_func(q1, q2, v0, v1) return self.__class__.CreateWithQuantity(q, v) # type:ignore[return-value] else: # not numpy: create a new structure to hold the values result = [] for v0, v1 in values_iteration: q, v = operation_func(q1, q2, v0, v1) result.append(v) if values_iteration.IsTuple(): result = tuple(result) # type:ignore[assignment] return self.__class__.CreateWithQuantity(q, result) # type:ignore[return-value]