Source code for barril.units._fixedarray

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import Generic
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
from typing import cast
from typing import overload

from barril.units.unit_database import CategoryInfo
from barril.units.unit_database import UnitDatabase

from ._array import Array
from ._array import ValuesType

    from barril.units import Scalar

    from ._quantity import Quantity

__all__ = ["FixedArray"]

[docs] class FixedArray(Array, Generic[ValuesType]): """ Represents an Array with fixed number of elements. Like ``Array``, ``FixedArray`` is a ``Generic`` subclass, parametrized by their container type: .. code-block:: python a = FixedArray(3, [1, 2, 3], "m") reveal_type(a) .. code-block:: note: Revealed type is "barril.units._fixedarray.FixedArray[builtins.list*[*]]" """ _dimension: Any = None @overload def __init__(self, dimension: int, category: Union[str, "Quantity"]): ... @overload def __init__(self, dimension: int, values: ValuesType, unit: str): ... @overload def __init__(self, dimension: int, category: str, values: ValuesType, unit: str): ... @overload def __init__(self, dimension: int, category: str, unit: str): ... @overload def __init__(self, dimension: int, category: "Quantity", values: ValuesType): ... def __init__( # type:ignore[misc] self, dimension: int, category: str, values: Any = None, unit: Any = None ) -> None: """ :param int dimension: The dimension for this array. :type category: string or IQuantity :param category: The category for the unit point or the IQuantity for this object (in this case, the unit will be ignored (if it is passed)). :type values: sequence or numpy array :param values: A sequence with its initial values. :param str unit: Unit (not used if a quantity is passed). """ if dimension < 2: raise ValueError("Dimension MUST be 2 or more") self._dimension = dimension Array.__init__(self, category, values, unit) def _InternalCreateWithQuantity( # type:ignore[override] self, quantity: "Quantity", values: Optional[ValuesType] = None, unit_database: Optional[UnitDatabase] = None, dimension: Optional[int] = None, value: Optional[ValuesType] = None, ) -> None: if value is not None: if values is not None: raise ValueError("Duplicated values parameter given") values = value assert values is not None if dimension is None: try: if self._dimension is None: self._dimension = len(values) except AttributeError: pass dimension = self._dimension elif hasattr(self, "_dimension"): if self._dimension is not None and dimension != self._dimension: raise ValueError( "Dimension re-definition mismatch: {} != {}".format(self._dimension, dimension) ) if dimension < 2: raise ValueError("Dimension MUST be 2 or more") self._dimension = dimension if values is None: values = [0.0] * dimension self.CheckValues(values, dimension) Array._InternalCreateWithQuantity(self, quantity, values) def CreateCopy( # type:ignore[override] self, values: Optional[ValuesType] = None, unit: Optional[str] = None, category: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: object ) -> "FixedArray": return Array.CreateCopy( self, values=values, unit=unit, category=category, dimension=self._dimension, **kwargs ) # Values --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _GetDefaultValue( self, category_info: CategoryInfo, unit: Optional[str] = None ) -> ValuesType: return cast(ValuesType, [0.0] * self._dimension)
[docs] def CheckValues(self, values: ValuesType, dimension: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Checks whether the dimensions consistent with the dimensions in this unit point""" if dimension is None: dimension = self.dimension if len(values) != dimension: msg = "Values must have %d elements, but has %d" raise ValueError(msg % (dimension, len(values)))
[docs] @classmethod def CreateEmptyArray( # type:ignore[override] cls, dimension: int, values: Optional[ValuesType] = None ) -> "FixedArray": """ Allows the creation of a array that does not have any associated category nor unit. :returns: Returns an empty array. """ from ._quantity import Quantity if values is None: values = cast(ValuesType, [0.0] * dimension) quantity = Quantity.CreateEmpty() return cls.CreateWithQuantity(quantity, dimension=dimension, values=values)
# Dimension ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def GetDimension(self) -> int: return self._dimension dimension = property(GetDimension) # Equality ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return Array.__eq__(self, other) and self.dimension == other.dimension def __reduce__(self) -> Any: """ Defining reduce so that we can pickle fixed arrays. """ return ( FixedArray, (self._dimension, self._quantity, self.values, None), # Unit defined in quantity )
[docs] def ChangingIndex( self, index: int, value: Union[float, "Scalar", Tuple], use_value_unit: bool = True ) -> "FixedArray": """ Creates a FixedArray from based on this FixedArray changing a single value based on the passed index. i.e.: array.ChangingIndex(0, Scalar(1.0, 'm')) will create a new FixedArray where the index == 0 is changed to the passed value. :param value: The value to be used to set at the given index. :param index: The index which should be changed. :param use_value_unit: If True and a Scalar is passed, the newly created array will have the unit of the scalar, not of the original array, otherwise (if False) the FixedArray unit will be kept. :return: The created FixedArray. """ from barril.units import Scalar if isinstance(value, tuple): scalar = Scalar(self.GetValues()[index], self.GetUnit()).CreateCopy(*value) elif not isinstance(value, Scalar): scalar = Scalar(value, self.GetUnit()) else: scalar = value if use_value_unit: quantity = scalar.GetQuantity() else: quantity = self.GetQuantity() values = list(self.GetValues(quantity.GetUnit())) values[index] = scalar.GetValue(quantity.GetUnit()) return FixedArray(self.dimension, quantity, tuple(values))
[docs] def IndexAsScalar(self, index: int, quantity: Optional["Quantity"] = None) -> "Scalar": """ :param index: The index which should be gotten as a Scalar. :param quantity: The quantity in which we want the Scalar (uses the FixedArray quantity if not passed). :return Scalar: A Scalar representation of the given index. """ from barril.units import Scalar if quantity is None: quantity = self.GetQuantity() return Scalar( # type:ignore[call-overload] quantity, self.GetValues(unit=quantity.GetUnit())[index] )