Source code for barril.units._scalar

This module provides the implementation of an Scalar object.

from typing import Any
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
from typing import cast
from typing import overload

from functools import total_ordering
from oop_ext.interface import ImplementsInterface

from barril._util.types_ import IsNumber

from ._abstractvaluewithquantity import AbstractValueWithQuantityObject
from ._quantity import ObtainQuantity
from ._quantity import Quantity
from .interfaces import IQuantity
from .interfaces import IScalar
from .unit_database import CategoryInfo
from .unit_database import UnitDatabase

__all__ = ["Scalar"]

[docs] @total_ordering @ImplementsInterface(IScalar, IQuantity) class Scalar(AbstractValueWithQuantityObject): """ This object represents a scalar (a value that has an associated quantity). **Scalar Creation** Scalars can be created by giving a value, unit or category, in some combinations. Assuming the default value for category "length" is 10[m], all the example below create equal scalars: .. code-block:: python Scalar("length") Scalar(10.0, "m", "length") Scalar(10.0, "m") Scalar((10.0, "m")) # tuple of (value, unit) The last form is useful if you want to make a convenient interface for users of a class or method, accepting either a tuple or Scalar: .. code-block:: python def Compute(x, y): x, y = Scalar(x), Scalar(y) Which allows the user of the method to just pass a tuple, without having to create a Scalar explicitly: .. code-block:: python Compute( x=(10, "m"), y=(15, "m") ) # is equivalent to Compute(x=Scalar(10, 'm'), y=Scalar(15, 'm')) Note that the following form is invalid, because if category and value is given, unit is mandatory. .. code-block:: python Scalar("length", 1.0) :type _internal_unit: This is the unit in which the value has been set (but not necessarily the :ivar _internal_unit: unit which is visible to the outside world) .. note:: In case you're wondering, we cannot make a Scalar with __slots__ because our callback system (i.e.: callback.After) won't work with it. """ @overload def __init__(self, category: Quantity, value: Optional[float] = None) -> None: ... @overload def __init__( self, category: str, value: Optional[float] = None, unit: Optional[str] = None ): ... @overload def __init__(self, value: float, unit: str, category: Optional[str] = None): ... @overload def __init__(self, value_and_unit: Tuple[float, str]): ... def __init__( # type:ignore[misc] self, category: Any, value: Any = None, unit: Any = None ) -> None: if category.__class__ is tuple: # Support for creating a scalar as: # Scalar((10, 'm')) assert value is None and unit is None value, unit = category AbstractValueWithQuantityObject.__init__(self, value, unit) else: AbstractValueWithQuantityObject.__init__( self, category=category, value=value, unit=unit ) def _InternalCreateWithQuantity( self, quantity: Quantity, value: Optional[float] = None, unit_database: Optional[UnitDatabase] = None, ) -> None: """ For internal use only. Is used to initialize the actual quantity. :param quantity: The quantity of this scalar. :param value: The initial value. :param UnitDatabase unit_database: The unit database that should be used for this object. """ if value is None: self._value = self._GetDefaultValue(quantity.GetCategoryInfo()) else: self._value = float(value) self._unit_database = unit_database or UnitDatabase.GetSingleton() self._quantity = quantity # Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _value: float
[docs] def GetAbstractValue(self, unit: Optional[str] = None) -> float: """ :param unit: """ if unit is None: return self._value else: return self._quantity.ConvertScalarValue(self._value, unit)
GetValue = GetAbstractValue value = property(GetAbstractValue) def _GetDefaultValue(self, category_info: CategoryInfo, unit: Optional[str] = None) -> Any: """ :param category_info: :param unit: """ try: value = category_info.default_value except AttributeError: return 0.0 if unit is not None: # needs to convert value to default unit value = ObtainQuantity( category_info.default_unit, category_info.category ).ConvertScalarValue(value, unit) return value def GetValueAndUnit(self) -> Tuple[float, str]: return self._value, self.GetUnit()
[docs] def CheckValidity(self) -> None: """ :raises ValueError: when current value is wrong somehow (out of limits, for example). """ self._quantity.CheckValue(self._value)
# Handling 'empty' scalar ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def CreateEmptyScalar(cls, value: float = 0.0) -> "Scalar": """ Allows the creation of a scalar that does not have any associated category nor unit. :rtype: Scalar :returns: Returns an empty scalar (i.e.: without any unit) with the passed value and returns it. """ quantity = Quantity.CreateEmpty() return cls.CreateWithQuantity(quantity, value=value)
# Repr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{}({}, '{}', '{}')".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._value, self.GetUnit(), self.GetCategory() ) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Should return a user-friendly representation of this object. :rtype: str :returns: The formatted string """ return self.GetFormatted() # Format --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMATTED_VALUE_FORMAT = "%g" @classmethod def GetFormattedValueFormat(cls) -> str: return cls.FORMATTED_VALUE_FORMAT
[docs] @classmethod def SetFormattedValueFormat(cls, value_format: str) -> None: """ Sets the format for the numeric part of the scalar. """ try: value_format % 1.11 except TypeError as e: raise TypeError( "Incompatible format for Scalar value. Expected a format for a float value." ) from e cls.FORMATTED_VALUE_FORMAT = value_format
[docs] def GetFormattedValue( self, unit: Optional[str] = None, value_format: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """ Returns the scalar value formated using the given format or the default format. The default format can be modified globally (for all Scalars) using the class method SetFormattedFormat. .. note:: The unit is NOT returned in this method. :param unit: The unit in which the value should be gotten. :param value_format: If not None (default), replaces the default value_format defined in Scalar.FORMATTED_VALUE_FORMAT :returns: A string with the value of this scalar formatted. """ from barril.basic.format_float import FormatFloat if value_format is None: value_format = self.FORMATTED_VALUE_FORMAT return FormatFloat(value_format, self.GetValue(unit))
[docs] def GetFormatted(self, unit: Optional[str] = None, value_format: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Returns this scalar in a formatted format (i.e.: formatted value + unit). :param unit: The unit in which the value should be gotten. :param value_format: See Scalar.GetFormattedValue """ return self.GetFormattedValue(unit, value_format) + self.GetFormattedSuffix(unit)
# Compare -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return ( type(self) is type(other) and self._value == other.value and self._quantity == other._quantity ) def AlmostEqual(self, other: "Scalar", precision: int) -> bool: return ( type(self) is type(other) and round(self._value - other.value, precision) == 0 and self._quantity == other._quantity ) def __hash__(self) -> int: # type:ignore[override] return hash((self._value, self._quantity)) def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if self.quantity_type != other.quantity_type: msg = "can not compare scalars of different quantity types: %r != %r" raise TypeError(msg % (self.quantity_type, other.quantity_type)) v1 = self._value v2 = other.GetValue(self.unit) return v1 < v2 # right ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __rtruediv__(self, other: Any) -> "Scalar": return self._DoOperation(other, self, "Divide", lambda a, b: a / b) def __rfloordiv__(self, other: Any) -> "Scalar": return self._DoOperation(other, self, "FloorDivide", lambda a, b: a // b) def __rmul__(self, other: Any) -> "Scalar": return self._DoOperation(other, self, "Multiply", lambda a, b: a * b) def __rsub__(self, other: Any) -> "Scalar": return self._DoOperation(other, self, "Subtract", lambda a, b: a - b) def __radd__(self, other: Any) -> "Scalar": return self._DoOperation(other, self, "Sum", lambda a, b: a + b) # basic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __truediv__(self, other: Any) -> "Scalar": return self._DoOperation(self, other, "Divide", lambda a, b: a / b) def __floordiv__(self, other: Any) -> "Scalar": return self._DoOperation(self, other, "FloorDivide", lambda a, b: a // b) def __mul__(self, other: Any) -> "Scalar": return self._DoOperation(self, other, "Multiply", lambda a, b: a * b) def __sub__(self, other: Any) -> "Scalar": return self._DoOperation(self, other, "Subtract", lambda a, b: a - b) def __add__(self, other: Any) -> "Scalar": return self._DoOperation(self, other, "Sum", lambda a, b: a + b) def __pow__(self, exponent: int) -> "Scalar": result = self for _ in range(exponent - 1): result = result * self return result def _DoOperation(self, p1: Any, p2: Any, operation: Any, callback_operation: Any) -> Any: p1_is_number = IsNumber(p1) if p1_is_number and operation not in ["Divide", "FloorDivide"]: return self.__class__.CreateWithQuantity( self._quantity, callback_operation(p1, self._value) ) if IsNumber(p2): return self.__class__.CreateWithQuantity( self._quantity, callback_operation(self._value, p2) ) unit_database = self._unit_database operation_func = getattr(unit_database, operation) if p1_is_number: assert operation in [ "Divide", "FloorDivide", ], "Only operation Divide and FloorDivide allowed here!" q, v = operation_func(Quantity.CreateEmpty(), p2.GetQuantity(), p1, p2.value) else: q, v = operation_func(p1.GetQuantity(), p2.GetQuantity(), self._value, p2.value) return self.__class__.CreateWithQuantity(q, v) def __reduce__(self) -> Any: """ Defining reduce so that we can pickle scalars. """ return Scalar, (self._quantity, self.value, None) # Unit defined in quantity